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Engineer in Factory
Assess your impact and do good (business)

Vested Impact for small businesses

Businesses can miss out on contracts, customers, and finance if they aren’t able to assess and communicate the effect of their products on people and the planet. 



of major organisations are expected to require their small business suppliers to disclose ESG and impact data by 2024 


of SMEs say adopting ESG and impact approaches leads to new business opportunities


of investors & financiers say they will increase financing to companies that prioritise sustainability


of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a company that is transparent about its environmental and social impact


Assessing and measuring impact can be complex and expensive, but Vested Impact is here to help. 

No matter the size of your business, we make it quick, easy and affordable for you to assess the  impact of your products and services on the world around you. With just a little information about what you do, where you do it, and the scale of your operations, we can provide you with a detailed report on how your products impact global priorities like climate, education, healthcare, and the economy. 

Our reports can help you attract customers who care about impact, and can help you do business with companies, vendors, and financiers who require impact reporting from their supply chain or portfolio companies. And, for companies in the EU, we can help meet the growing regulatory pressure to report impact. New regulations in 2024 require companies with more than 250 employees to understand, report and monitor their impact. These companies’ are increasingly asking the SMEs in their supply chain to report their impact to them in order to do business, and Vested Impact can meet that demand.

What you get


Vested Impact reports assess your material, external impact - ie. the impact of your products and services on people and the planet - which  none of the major existing ESG data providers can do, and which will be required for companies by EU regulation as of 2024. 

Our reports...

use leading impact assessment models, putting the world's best methodologies at your fingertips

support reporting frameworks, helping you align with and meet reporting requirements more quickly, easily, and affordably

are credible and trusted, drawing from over 200 million academic papers and 100 million data points from organisations like the World Bank and Eurostat, and used by clients like Accenture and the United Nations

are simple, fast, and independent, requiring only your company's basic information - we do the rest



Vested Impact is aligned with key regulations to help you comply and meet leading standards and frameworks


How it works

Simple: To generate an impact report, all you need to provide is some basic information about your company

  • Name and registration or ID number

  • A simple description of your products and services 

  • The countries you operate in, and provide products and services in

  • Your approximate annual gross revenue and its annual growth rate, to help us understand your scale 


We use this information to produce your impact report,  however your description, ID, and financial information are not displayed or published in your report, and none of your information is shared by us publicly or to any third-parties without your permission.

Fast (but detailed and data-driven!):


In just a few minutes, our system will: 

  1. Map and assess the impact of your products and services against the UN Sustainable Development Goal targets in each country you operate or sell in, We  leverage over 200 million academic papers to provide you science-based evidence on your company’s impacts. 

  2. Quantify the impact your company’s products and services, leveraging over 100 million impact data points 

  3. Generate an impact report with a detailed assessment of your positive and negative impacts on people and the planet (we all have both!), and how you compare to others in your industry.  

Independent: Because we do not rely on self-reported impacts, our reports meet the increasing need for companies to report their impact using  an independent source. And, if you are required to have a human eye on your results, you can contact us to request that your report be certified by one of our analysts.

Want to know more?

Ready to assess your impact? 

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